[– NOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR AND THE DIRECTOR'S DIRECTOR-]: My, my, it has been quite a while hasn't it, Yuki? H̸e̴h̸e̵h̸e̴,̴ ̶M̶U̷C̴H̷ ̸t̴o̷o̶ ̴l̸o̴n̷g̷!̸~̸ ̵T̵o̸n̶i̷g̸h̶t̷,̴ ̸D̵a̸r̶l̴i̴n̷g̶ ̸a̶n̷d̴ ̸I̶ ̵w̸i̶l̶l̶ ̵b̶e̸ ̶w̸r̸i̶t̷i̵n̴g̸ ̷t̷o̵g̷e̵t̵h̴e̵r̸ ̸s̸o̴.̷.̸.̵e̶x̶p̸e̴c̴t̵ ̸p̶l̷e̴n̵t̷y̴ ̴o̷f̸ ̵c̷h̸a̶o̷s̴.̶ ̷;̸3̸ Heheh, but sadly no violent imagery. Yuki headtilts W̶e̸ ̸c̴o̵u̷l̴d̵ ̶m̵a̵k̵e̸ ̴s̶o̴m̷e̵,̸ ̸r̵i̵g̸h̷t̶ ̶n̸o̶w̸ ̵D̴a̴r̴l̷i̵n̸g̵?̶ ̴~̷ ̷ Yuki says, preparing an assortment of torture instruments N-n-no, yeah I'm okay with this one, my love. Yuki puts her “tools” away and smiles Ahem!~

[SCOPE OF RESEARCH]: To describe and explain why and how a Neko Shinigami can interact, live and fall in love with a cruel, heartless and merciless mobster from across the stars with a guilty streak.


[– Report 06: The Pact of The Reaper and The Mobster –] [Deriving report from Classified Memory #666 <\\\\> COMPLETE]

“Where....where are we?” I said, to the mysterious cat-eared girl, as her ears softly rose from the dark black hair which stretched down to the small of her back and tinged with an otherworldly purple hue. “Despair.” the cat girl said in a distinctively Shizuan accent. [Editor's Note: Shizuan is a dialect on Omega-3 which is similar to Japanese] “D..despair?” I said, nervous for the first time in my entire life and career. You don't rise to the top of the Omega Syndicate by being compassionate, but you also don't live long by not recognizing evil and someone very obviously stronger than you.

Slowly, her imposing figure came into view as she stood from her previously crouched position where she'd been eyeing me up as I awoke. Soon her full frame, which felt like it was well over six feet, filled my vision as she stared deeply into my eyes seemingly drowning me in her judgement. “A̷h̷,̸ ̶I̴ ̷g̵u̷e̵s̶s̴ ̴y̶o̶u̵ ̵r̶e̶a̶l̶l̴y̴ ̴A̶R̶E̷N̷'̴T̸ ̷h̵u̸m̶a̵n̸ ̷a̷r̵e̵ ̶y̵o̸u̷?̸ ̵” she said, her accent now deeper yet sickly sweet, like a honeyed bourbon given in celebration of a battle long won. My resistance slowly lowered, despite her transparent skin, glistening with exhaustion and power, and her piercing purple eyes which seemed to already have all the answers she needed.

Eventually, I gathered the strength to answer her. “What..what's a human? I am an Imperial-Fox crossbreed. What are yo-” I began, before she smiled darkly before kneeling before me and leaning forward to place her finger against my lips. “O̸h̸ ̸m̴y̸ ̵l̵i̸t̴t̷l̸e̸ ̵l̸o̵s̷t̵ ̶s̶t̶a̵r̴ ̸f̴o̵x̷,̶ ̵I̷ ̴a̵m̶ ̸a̵ ̴S̸h̷i̵n̶i̶g̷a̵m̵i̵.̷ ̸I̷ ̵a̴m̸ ̷a̴l̸s̸o̴ ̷a̷ ̶c̶a̵t̴ ̵s̸p̸i̷r̵i̴t̶,̵ ̵s̵o̵m̵e̵t̶h̴i̷n̶g̸ ̵c̴a̴l̵l̷e̴d̴ ̶a̸ ̴N̴e̸k̸o̴m̷a̸t̴a̸.̶” I quickly retorted, hearing a word I'd heard before in my dream before waking up here on “Despair”.

“Shinigami? So, a death god?” The mysterious girl chortled, smiling even wider and licking my cheek. “H̴m̶m̴,̶ ̷f̶o̸r̶ ̷a̸n̸ ̶a̷l̸i̷e̶n̶ ̸y̴o̸u̵ ̸s̴u̵r̶e̷ ̸a̶r̷e̷ ̵q̴u̴i̷c̵k̴ ̵o̷n̷ ̴t̷h̴e̵ ̸u̷p̵t̷a̷k̷e̵ ̵o̴j̶i̷i̸c̸h̶a̶n̸.̶ ̵Y̵e̷a̵h̴,̵ ̴s̴o̴m̵e̶t̴h̷i̶n̴g̵ ̴l̶i̶k̷e̴ ̷t̷h̶a̷t̷.̸ ̶B̵a̵s̶i̸c̵a̷l̵l̶y̴,̵ ̴I̵ ̶b̵r̵i̷n̷g̶ ̷s̸u̸f̴f̸e̶r̷i̷n̷g̶ ̵a̷n̴d̶ ̵d̴e̴s̸p̶a̴i̸r̸ ̶t̴o̵ ̸l̴o̵w̸l̶y̴ ̴h̶u̶m̶a̸n̸s̸.̴ ̸;̷3̵ ̵B̶u̴t̷ ̴t̵h̶a̸t̴'̷s̴ ̸b̴o̶r̷i̷n̷g̷!̵~̷ ̵S̷o̸ ̶I̴ ̵w̵e̴n̴t̷ ̶a̷n̴d̴ ̸f̶o̷u̷n̶d̷ ̷y̸o̸u̶,̶ ̸l̸i̷t̷t̸l̴e̸ ̶s̸t̸a̶r̸ ̷f̷o̶x̵.̵ ̵” She said, giggling now and sitting to face me now, looking up at me from her long, imposing form now sprawled in front of me. Now...she was NOT ugly, in the least [Yuki glares at me from behind our chair Err, and still isn't!~] but I do wish I could have restrained myself from falling for her so quickly. “Right, and what does that have to do with me, literal cat lady?” I said arrogantly, looking down at her. As our eyes met though, I felt a stinging pain in my legs and arms as I tried to stand up. She answered my confusion with pain. As I had begun to stand she had unceremoniously removed my arms and legs like a knockoff action figure in the span of a few seconds.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, FUCK! What the fuck is this shit?!” I managed to say before looking back at stump and in the time it took me to exclaim they had returned to normal. “O̷o̷o̸o̶,̶ ̷i̵n̵t̷e̵r̶e̸s̵t̵i̴n̸g̴!̴~̶ ̶T̷h̵a̷t̴ ̸k̴i̴l̷l̵e̸d̶ ̶t̷h̵e̶ ̵l̷a̵s̷t̸ ̴l̶i̷v̶i̷n̵g̴ ̶b̵e̶i̵n̵g̵ ̷I̷ ̵t̸r̴i̶e̶d̶ ̶t̵h̸a̵t̷ ̷o̶n̸.̷ ̸C̸o̸n̶g̶r̸a̸t̸u̷l̶a̵t̴i̶o̵n̷s̸!̸ ̴I̵ ̷r̷e̴a̵l̶l̷y̸ ̵s̶h̶o̸u̶l̸d̴ ̶g̴e̷t̴ ̵y̸o̵u̴ ̸s̵o̶m̷e̴ ̸c̶o̴o̷k̷i̷e̴s̴,̷ ̵y̸o̷u̴ ̴w̵a̷n̷t̷ ̸s̶o̸m̸e̸?̴” the murderous Shinigami who stood up slowly, maintaining eye contact as she asked, layering more honey onto her words like some terrifying cup of tea which seemed liable to overflow if rocked too quickly. “...So, Ms. Shinigami. What just happened there, I'm guessing that wasn't real?” I said, slowly collecting my thoughts and continuing as She, or IT continued to eye me up. “Is any of this real? Where even are we.” She giggled at my first question, sitting criss cross in front of me, like I was a kid she was babysitting. She smiled at me, offered me a “cookie” which looked like some kind of otherworldly baked good with black marks, and began with [Editor's Note: They don't have cookies on Omega-3, or really ANYWHERE in the Andromeda system]'T̷h̶e̵ ̷p̴a̵i̶n̷?̷ ̷I̵t̷ ̵w̵a̸s̵ ̵r̸e̵a̸l̸.̵ ̷T̴h̴e̵ ̵d̸i̴s̸m̵e̷m̸b̵e̵r̸m̴e̵n̵t̶ ̵t̶h̷o̴u̴g̶h̶?̶ ̴S̶m̴a̶r̴t̴ ̶o̷f̷ ̵y̸o̴u̸.̷ ̵I̶t̷ ̵w̵a̶s̶ ̶a̶n̴ ̴i̶l̵l̶u̸s̴i̴o̶n̷.̶ ̶I̴'̸m̵ ̸a̷ ̴s̴h̷i̸n̷i̴g̷a̶m̶i̷,̷ ̵n̷o̸t̵ ̴a̶ ̸s̶u̷r̴g̸e̸o̸n̷.̴”Before I could retort once again, she continued, “N̸o̸w̴ ̵S̴t̶a̶r̴ ̶F̴o̶x̴ ̶b̶o̴y̷,̵ ̴I̷ ̴h̷a̵v̵e̴ ̵a̶n̷ ̵o̸f̸f̴e̷r̸ ̸f̶o̶r̷ ̶y̷o̸u̷.̶ ̴Y̴o̸u̴ ̶w̶e̶r̸e̴ ̷m̴e̷a̴n̶t̵ ̷t̴o̵ ̶d̶i̷e̷ ̷b̶a̸c̵k̷ ̵t̵h̶e̵r̵e̷,̵ ̸b̸u̸t̵ ̶n̶o̷w̷ ̷y̴o̷u̴'̴r̶e̴ ̴h̸e̵r̵e̵.̷ ̴O̷n̸ ̵y̴o̵u̶r̵ ̶d̵r̶e̸a̸m̴ ̵s̶p̸a̸c̸e̷s̷h̸i̷p̸,̸ ̶i̴n̴ ̴o̴r̶b̸i̷t̸ ̶a̸r̸o̷u̷n̵d̵ ̵a̷ ̶p̸l̷a̸n̵e̵t̶ ̴c̷a̵l̷l̴e̴d̷ ̷”̴E̴a̵r̷t̴h̶”̸.̴ ̶B̶u̶t̷!̶ ̷I̸n̸ ̷d̷y̸i̸n̸g̵ ̴b̴a̵c̴k̵ ̴t̶h̷e̵r̶e̶,̷ ̸y̵o̴u̸ ̸w̸e̵r̷e̵ ̶s̵u̵p̵p̵o̴s̴e̵d̴ ̶t̶o̴ ̸g̸o̸ ̵s̸t̷r̴a̴i̸g̶h̵t̷ ̷t̴o̶ ̷h̸e̵l̷l̵.̶ ̶B̶U̴T̸!̷~̵ ̶I̴'̴m̴ ̶a̵ ̵n̴i̵c̸e̷ ̷r̴e̵a̶p̸e̶r̸ ̶a̸n̴d̸ ̵I̶ ̶w̴a̶n̴t̴ ̵t̷o̸ ̷g̸i̷v̸e̸ ̴y̴o̵u̵ ̸a̶ ̵j̴o̶b̵.̷~̵ ̸W̶o̶r̷k̴ ̸w̴i̶t̷h̵ ̵m̴e̴ ̶a̸s̷ ̴V̷i̵r̶t̴u̷a̵l̴ ̵I̴d̵o̷l̴s̷,̵ ̵a̷n̵d̴ ̸I̷'̵l̷l̵ ̶h̸e̷l̶p̶ ̴y̶o̴u̶ ̴w̶o̵r̴k̵ ̶y̴o̷u̷r̷ ̸t̴i̴m̴e̴ ̶o̵f̴f̸.̷ ̴~̷ ̶H̵o̴w̷'̸s̸ ̵t̶h̸a̸t̸ ̶s̷o̸u̷n̷d̸?̶ ̴A̷l̶l̴ ̸i̸t̷ ̵c̸o̶s̷t̸s̵ ̵i̵s̸.̵.̶.̸w̸e̴l̶l̶,̶ ̸y̴o̴u̴'̸l̷l̴ ̴f̷i̴n̷d̷ ̴o̷u̷t̴.”

I stood up, finally being allowed to do so and I slowly considered her offer. I didn't know what a “Virtual Idol” was, but I thought it sounded better than, “Dead careless mobster” so in the end I relented. She turned her head and smiled, her smile now a dangerous reminder to me that she could snap if I had given her the wrong answer. “So then, ” she began, beginning to blush “with this, we are now one.”

I wasn't sure how to respond to that statement, but I found myself reaching out to shake her hand...and after that? I've mostly forgotten. Yuki remembers a bit more, but...that's a story for another time.


[– Report 06 Partially completed – 50% – ]