user: [Redacted Input]

pw: [redacted input]


//////////// //////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //complete //loading Final Warning.txt

cat Final_Warning.txt

Dear Researcher,

By submitting an ARESRR, (Advanced Research Equipment Supply Requistiion Request) you acknowledge that this equipment is only to be used for Advanced Research, outside the scope of traditional Archive business and is only to be used when requested by entities known by the Archive as “Ghoulies”, as needed by the Head Archivist, code named “Archivist”, or by Director Mirahiru and Director's Director Mirahiru.

All liabilities are the responsibility of the Researcher using this software/equipment. The Archive, Chaos Foundries, The Chaos Gumi and the entirety of the Omegian Imperial Science Division are not responsible for any dismemberment, schizophrenic outbursts, spontaneous combustion, retcon-itis, 4th wall breaks, speaking of tongues, demonic possession, rips in the fabric of Terran or Omegian space and time, resurrection of a demon lord, or the return of any and all chaotic, manifestations of the unknowable Void.

These apparatuses are held tightly by The Archive and their respective parent companies for a reason, and are not to be used lightly unless used lightly by those with enormous death wishes, literally Yuki Mirahiru, or those who capitulate to said beings of chaos, namely Director Archknight Mirahiru.

Do you understand, mortal?

[Y/N/I'm Scared}: Y

sudo vim Data Fragment_2.txt


[-Data Fragment 02-]

[-Priority – Classified-]

[-SCOPE OF FRAGMENT-]: As requested by the Ghoulies, Director Mirahiru, Director's Director Yuki Mirahiru and the Archivist. This fragment is what was recoverable using a new piece of equipment within the ARESRR section of The Archive. The Archivist has left our team with the responsibility (read, liability) of a new device that will allow us to transcribe the “dates” of Director Archknight, and his wife for further research. However, this is merely a fragment due to the risk involved. Please observe below as we attempt to perform our first “Dream Print” here in the Archive.

//////////////begin transcription.

Director Mirahiru and his wife are fidgeting within the “Dream Chamber”, that the research intern had led them to. However, as was common with Director Mirahiru and her Majesty Yuki Mirahiru, they steeled themselves to be the subject of this project for the advancement of The Archive's capabilities, and because the Ghoulies had show interest.

“S-so, Yuki we know if this is safe?” The Director said finally, slicing the darkness as they did as instructed and laid together on the finely ornamented bed which was the sole source of refuge within this chamber. Yuki, the Director's wife and his muse of mischief seemed to falter a bit, but soon shrugged and pulled him into bed with her. “H̶e̵h̵e̷h̸e̶h̵,̷ ̵w̷e̶l̸l̸ ̶i̶t̶'̷s̷ ̸s̷o̴m̴e̶t̵h̷i̷n̶g̵ ̴f̴u̷n̴ ̵i̸s̵n̸'̴t̶ ̷i̷t̴ ̴D̸a̸r̷l̴i̷n̶g̸?̶ ̵P̸l̶u̵s̴,̴ ̷i̵t̶'̶l̵l̷ ̸b̸e̶ ̷c̷h̷a̴o̴t̴i̸c̵ ̴f̵o̵r̵ ̶p̷e̶o̵p̵l̴e̵ ̴t̶o̵ ̸s̵e̷e̴ ̴o̵u̵r̴ ̶l̴i̷t̴t̷l̶e̶ ̷d̵a̷t̵e̷s̶,̸ ̷e̷h̸?̶ ̴>̶;̷3̶”. The Director, as had come to be known within The Chaos Gumi and here at The Archive, easily relented when his wife pushed him to try things her way.

To his credit, the fact that he was able to resist dying on the spot when faced with the aura created by Yuki Mirahiru, his wife and a former reaper of souls, spoke to his ability to charm Lady Death.

Now though, it appears that they've resolved themselves and are now in bed together. A loud voice over the intercom, the raspy but assertive voice of The Head Archivist, rang out within the confines of their prepared chamber.

“Director, and Director's Director Mirahiru, this procedure is truly chaotic. However, chaos sleeps for no one. Knowing this, do you consent in allowing we here at The Archive and the Ghoulies who will read this report to have a play-by-play of this event?” The director and his wife nodded, not feeling the desire to let go of each other as they began to naturally nod off to sleep.

At this, the Archivist who stood beside me behind double-sided glass nodded excitedly. The Archivist themself is what Earthlings might call a, “Research Fanatic”.

It was part of why during the founding of the Chaos Gumi and the first formation of The Archive, Director's Director Yuki had presented Director Archknight with The Archivist's resume and he had been placed in charge of the The Archive, on the condition that he channel that research towards advancing Chaos and recording the events of The Mirahiru Family's story. And that's w- [Sequence Begun, subjects have entered REM Cycle Sleep] ////////////////////////////////////// [Synchronizing with subjects natural mental bridge.] ////////complete.

[Man-in-Middle Image Stabilization Complete]


“W-where...?” I said, my eyes adjusting to the light as I found myself in Yuki and I's bedchambers. But....something seemed off. “H-honey? Did something happen during the test?” I called out in the dark, not sure where Yuki was. If we truly had gone to sleep together, then another thought began to manifest within my brain groggily. “Y-yuki, are we on a date right now?”

A giggle, which began as Yuki's normal adorably terrifying laugh began to seemingly come from all around me. “H̵e̶h̸e̸h̴e̵h̴e̸h̸e̴h̶e̷h̷e̶h̵h̵e̴h̵e̵h̶e̶h̵e̶h̶e̴h̷e̷h̵h̷e̷h̷e̴h̷,̵ ̸m̵y̸ ̸p̵e̸r̸c̶e̵p̴t̸i̵v̴e̶ ̸l̵i̵t̸t̸l̵e̵ ̵D̴a̶r̶l̵i̸n̶g̶ ̵F̴o̸x̸ ̸H̵u̵s̸b̸a̸n̶d̴.̶ ̴~̸<̶3̶” Yuki said sickly sweetly, as the walls around me began to shift and the airlock I had been staring at to see if and when she'd round the corner pushed forward to reveal bright lights.

Intense, bright lights shone through the widening gap behind the false walls and soon my eyes adjusted to see what chaos Yuki truly had planned for us tonight.

“見て! ほら、ダーリン!〜ここはあなたを保つのにかわいい場所ではありませんか?” (Look! Look, Darling!~ Isn't this a cute place to keep you?) Yuki shouted, her voice much louder than usual. However, it confirmed one thing that I had hoped wasn't happening. “Y-yes dear, it's very cute. this a locket?” Yuki cackled once more, the movements of her nodding and jumping excitedly shaking the locket she'd been holding me in. “1̴0̴ ̵p̷o̶i̵n̶t̸s̸,̷ ̸D̴a̸r̴l̷i̵n̸g̵!̸~̵≮3̵ ̶S̶o̸ ̵s̸m̵a̶r̶t̸ ̶o̵n̸ ̷d̸a̴t̸e̶s̴,̷ ̸a̴n̸d̵ ̷s̴o̶ ̴d̶e̷l̶i̵c̷i̴o̴u̵s̶l̵y̴ ̸a̵f̷r̶a̷i̸d̸.̴ ̸~̵ ̷I̶ ̸l̴o̴v̶e̵ ̶y̶o̵u̵,̷ ̵D̸a̴r̴l̷i̵n̶g̸.̶ ̷” I shivered with fear at the sudden jostling and the extreme difference in size, but as I rationalized her choice in venue...that fear became good chaos. A wave of happiness and semi-chaotic love flowed over me.

“Hehe, I love you too Yuki, my dearest Muse of Mischief. So, what's on the agenda today?” I said, smiling now despite the fear of what was to come. Slowly, she lifted me from the locket, which as her uberly oversized hand reached in and pulled me out I realized that the room I'd been kept in sat on her bosom. Noticing my oogling, Yuki winked and threw me into the air. “WHAAA?!” I screamed unconciously, “A̸w̸w̸w̵,̶ ̷a̸r̷e̴ ̴y̷o̸u̷ ̴s̵c̵a̴r̵e̵d̴ ̴D̶a̴r̷l̶i̴n̶g̴?̸ ̷Y̷o̴u̶'̸v̵e̵ ̷g̶o̷t̶ ̴a̷ ̸f̴i̸f̷t̷y̷-̸f̵i̴f̶t̵y̷ ̷c̴h̸a̵n̴c̸e̴ ̸o̷f̴ ̴d̸y̴i̶n̷g̶,̶ ̴b̵u̵t̸ ̶I̴ ̴b̴e̴l̷i̴e̸v̶e̶ ̶i̶n̵ ̶y̷o̵u̴.̵ ̵>̴;̷3̵” Free-falling through the air, I began to struggle, attempting to readjust myself to the relative safety of Yuki's chest heart sank.

In the split second before making contact with her chest, Yuki did the unthinkable. “Cheater!” I managed to get out, as Yuki ducked down and opened her maw widely before moving herself so that I was destined for a watery grave. Somehow hearing my thoughts as I slipped down her throat, she tilted her head. “D̷a̸r̶l̷i̸n̴g̶,̵ ̷t̸h̶a̴t̵'̷s̵ ̷c̷a̴l̸l̷e̴d̷ ̵b̴e̸i̸n̴g̵ ̷s̴u̸p̶e̶r̸n̵a̷t̸u̴r̸a̷l̴l̸y̸ ̶h̶y̶d̸r̵a̸t̶e̵d̵.̵” she said, slightly offended as we both shot awake.

“W-well, it didn't feel THAT bad.” Hearing me back to normal, Yuki smiled. “W̷a̸n̸n̶a̴ ̵g̶o̵ ̷a̵g̵a̶i̸n̴,̵ ̶D̶a̵r̴l̸i̶n̶g̷?̴ ̸>̵;̵3̵” I mused, as we exited the chamber to our actual bedchambers. “As long as you don't cheat again.” Yuki blushed as we were allowed to finish testing for tonight and we reached our room.


[-Fragment 02 completed-]